Every Sunday from 10/20/2024 to 11/10/2024
Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes are coming! Send good news and great joy around the world! Pack a shoebox and help us reach our goal of 1500 total boxes! See details below.
Pick up a shoebox beginning Sunday, October 20 in the North Connector, South Lobby, Atrium, and the ROC entrance. Drop off boxes in the same locations October 27 - November 10.
New for boxes this year:
- please do not include soap
- please do make sure all gifts fit in your box with lid completely closed
- please do not tape or add ribbon to your box
- please do use a rubber band to close your box
- please do not put cash or checks in boxes
- please do remember to pick up and place a label on your returned box
Click below for a list of suggested shoebox gifts.
Learn more about Operation Christmas Child, including how to pack a shoebox at the link below. Click the Videos link for stories and testimonies of how Operation Christmas Child has changed lives.
Contact the Missions Office at 256-881-0952, ext. 279 for more information.