Note Worthy
Looking for a simple and meaningful way to serve?
In-person Worship Sundays 9:30 & 11 am Main Campus Worship Center. Online Worship Sundays at 9:30 & 11 am on YouTube. Click below for details and to go to YouTube.
Life Groups for grades K-5 are Sundays at 9:30 & 11 am. Parents, check-in kids in the Children's Wing, entrance 3. Click below for Life Group details.
Choirs are offered for children. Choirs meet from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on most Sunday nights, during the school year, in the Children's Wing. Click below for details.
Check-in for e-Kids begins at 6:00 pm.
Your children will love e-Kids this spring! Each week there will be a time of worship, Bible study, and fun that your kids won’t want to miss! We will also have a few events on these nights that will be a blast!
Everybody needs a buddy. Our goal is to have each child with special needs partnered one-on-one with a Buddy. We have opportunities to serve one Sunday a month, every other Sunday, or step right into being a Buddy to a special friend each week. Click link below to learn more about the Buddies Program and meet our new Special Needs Coordinator, Alicia Wilkerson.
If you are interested in participating or serving in the special needs program, please email .
We invite your family to a come-and-go breakfast with the Bethlehem characters! The children will receive special gifts to help them better understand the Christmas story. All families with children infants - grade 5 are invited. This free, ticketed event is usually the first Saturday in December.
Join us each summer for a week packed full of fun for children ages 4 through 5th grade. Every year has a different theme and includes snacks, stories, music, and games. This is a free event and goes Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to noon.
Looking for a simple and meaningful way to serve?
Stop by the Whitesburg Library & see what's new!
Free Bible studies and videos for all ages are just a click away!