The Reason for Ignite

We are providing a clear path for sustaining, growing, and expanding our church’s ability to impact the world with the gospel!
Because millions of people in the world have never heard the gospel! We have a burden that begins with the glory of God and is fueled by our compassion for the lost, the broken, and the hopeless. People in our community and the world need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.
God has greatly blessed the historical commitment to being on mission that embodies Whitesburg Baptist Church. As a result, we have been blessed greatly with people, resources, and opportunities. Believing Luke 12:48 “from everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more,” we better understand Paul’s statement in Romans 1:14, “I am under obligation both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish.”
God has given us a wonderful season of unity and clarity concerning our church’s mission and vision. The challenges, needs, and desperation in culture cry out for hope and answers. We are not deaf; we hear the cry, and we believe we have the answer in the gospel of Jesus Christ.