Every Sunday from 01/12/2025 to 01/26/2025
Every year, Whitesburg holds an annual food drive to replenish the Benevolence Food Pantry with non-perishable food items. We will be collecting these items January 12-26, 2025. Check with your Life Group leader to find out which food item your class has been assigned, or click the link below for the list.
Food items can be dropped off in the North Connector, South Lobby, Children & Preschool Atrium, and at the South Campus. Look for the bright green banner and barrel.
Final collection day is Sunday, January 26. See the lists of suggested food items below. Contact the Missions Office for more information.
Suggested Food Items (All Items should be canned, except dry pasta):
- Meat
- Tuna
- Vienna Sausages
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Beans
- Soup
- Ravioli
- Ramen Noodles
- Mac and Cheese
- Spaghetti
- Spaghetti Sauce