![Men's Skeet Shoot](https://cdn.monkplatform.com/image/czoyMTA6Imh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGczMuYW1hem9uYXdzLmNvbSUyRmFjY291bnQtbWVkaWElMkYxOTY1NCUyRnVwbG9hZGVkJTJGbSUyRjBlMTY4MDY2ODlfMTcwNzMzMDUwN19tZW5zLW1pbmlzdHJ5LXNrZWV0LXNob290LWxvZ28ucG5nJTNGcSUzRDkwJTI2dyUzRDEwMTAlMjZoJTNENjU4JTI2Zml0JTNEY3JvcCUyNnMlM0RjZjA1MWFjYjhmMDY5ZWFiMDg2NWFmODExMzdlZTZiNiI7/mens-ministry-skeet-shoot-logo.png)
Friday, April 19, 2024, 3:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Join us at Sharon Johnston Park for a great afternoon of skeet shooting, fellowship, and a meal of burgers and hot dogs! This event is for all men ages 18 and older. Young men ages 14-17 may attend if accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Bring a lawn chair, your own shotgun, and ammunition (see requirements under General Instructions below). For participants not owning shotguns, a limited selection of shotguns will be available to borrow and a limited supply of ammunition will be available to purchase.
3-6 pm Skeet Shoot
6-8 pm Dinner and Fellowship
Range Fees
Adult 18+ … $6 per 25 rounds
Youth 14-17 years old … $3 per 25 rounds
Registration and Required Forms
Register for this event by Tuesday, April 16.
MCSSA Range Rules and Exam. ALL registrants that plan to shoot must complete the Range Rules Exam. It is an open-book exam, in that the exam questions follow right along with the Range Rules. Please complete and sign the exam form, then email it to Jack Fuson at by April 18.
Click here for Range Rules Examination
MCSSA Release Form for minors. Shooters under the age of 18 must have a release form signed by both the shooter and a parent/guardian. Please complete and sign the release form, then email it to Jack Fuson at by April 18.
Forms will be available at the shooting range if you are unable to complete them ahead of time.
General Instructions and Safety Procedures
a. Shotguns only will be used during this event.
b. Shotguns will be transported to the range unloaded. Upon arrival at the range and removing shotguns from vehicles, Over and Under shotguns will have the breach open; Semi-Automatic and Other shotguns will have the action locked open. Shotguns should be carried with the muzzles pointing away from others—to the ground is recommended.
c. No ammunition will be loaded into any shotgun until the shooter is positioned on one of the shooting stations on the Skeet field.
d. Active shooters must wear eye and ear protection while shooting. It is also recommended that a hat or visor with a bill be worn not only to block the sun but to also be able to deflect target fragments is necessary.
e. Anyone at the event witnessing what appears to them to be an unsafe act or situation should immediately call it out and get range personnel involved.
2. SHOTGUNS. Shotguns of gauge 12, 16, 20, 28 and .410 are permitted. Over and Under or Semi-Automatic are recommended as some Skeet stations call for double shots. Shotgun shell shot size can be no larger than 7.5. Size 9, 8.5, 8 or 7.5 is permissible. For participants not owning shotguns, a limited selection of shotguns will be available to borrow and a limited supply of ammunition will be available to purchase.
3. PROCEDURES. For this event, one experienced Skeet shooter will be in charge of each Skeet field. This individual is overall responsible for safety on their field as well as instruction to shooters on how best to engage targets. A maximum of four shooters (a squad) plus this experienced shooter will be permitted on a field at a time. Since this is basically a familiarization event, full rounds of Skeet will not be shot. A maximum of 25 rounds per individual in a squad will be permitted before an opportunity for another squad to shoot is given. If squad positions are available, there is no limit within the allotted shooting time (3-6 PM) to how many rounds a shooter may shoot.
4. OBSERVERS. Those not in a shooting squad on a field may observe shooting from any position to the rear of the sidewalk behind the Skeet fields. No non-shooters are permitted forward of this sidewalk during active shooting. Hearing protection for observers is recommended.
5. RANGE EQUIPMENT. Only authorized personnel (MCSSA members) may enter the target machine houses on the range. Only authorized personnel will load target carousels
6. OVERALL. For this event, Whitesburg Church Member Jack Fuson is the primary point of contact for range operations and shooting oversight. Should any participant observe a safety issue or identify any other shooting operation issue, Jack is the one to contact.