Every Sunday from 12/01/2024 to 12/29/2024
Whitesburg Missions Offering 2024
WBC Goal: $500,000
- 80% to Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
- 20% to Whitesburg Missions
Every dollar of your Whitesburg Missions Offering gift goes to support the advancement of the Kingdom of God as Christ commissioned his church. Eighty percent of the WMO goes directly to the International Mission Board’s Lottie Moon Christmas Offering to evangelize the lost, make disciples and plant churches globally. The other 20% is used for Whitesburg Go Team scholarships, projects of our international partners, as well as ministries such as benevolence, refugees, missionary care, disaster relief and Bible translation, just to name a few. See the images below for a more detailed look at how your gifts were used in the last three years.
Click the button below to give online or simply drop your offering in the offering boxes located at each entrance to the Worship Center. When giving online you can select the "Whitesburg Missions" option from the drop down menu. Whitesburg Missions Offering envelopes will be available beginning December 1.