

6806 Whitesburg Drive South
Huntsville, AL 35802

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Service Times

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Set As Home Campus


(256) 881-0952

Equip Groups

Each believer has a unique spiritual journey, and our desire is to partner with you as you go further and deeper in your personal walk with Christ. Equip Groups are short-term courses designed to deepen your knowledge on your spiritual journey.

Scroll down for Wednesday Night details for all ages.


Wednesdays at 10:30 am & 6:15 pm
January 8 - April 30

Pastor's Daytime and Evening Bible Study


Daytime - SOUTH CAMPUS CHAPEL | 10:30 am

Evening - 
Main Campus Old Fellowship Dining Hall | 6:15 pm

Pastor Darryl will lead a Daytime Bible Study for adults who prefer to get out during the day. Each lesson will be a duplicate of the study he leads on Wednesday nights and will follow the same spring schedule as Equip Groups. 


Block 1: January 8 - March 5 • Block 2: March 19 - April 30

Classes are offered in both blocks unless otherwise noted.

This spring offers multiple Equip Group options for men and women!
You can register and learn more about each class by clicking on the title.

Block 1 & 2: January 8 - April 30





Led by 


Pastor's Bible Study

Pastor Darryl will lead a Daytime and Evening Bible Study for adults. Each lesson will be a duplicate for both studies he leads and will follow the same fall schedule as Equip Groups. No registration required.

Coed Block 1 & 2 Darryl Craft

10:30 AM (Daytime- South Campus Chapel)

6:15 PM (Evening-

 Main Campus Fellowship Dining Hall Room 106, MC)


If you’ve experienced the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend, you’ve probably found there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel. GriefShare is led by caring people who have also experienced loss and will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Each week you will watch and discuss a video seminar featuring top experts on grief and recovery subjects. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.

Jan 8 - Apr 16, 2025 (6:15 pm - 8:00 pm)

Register Here

Coed Block 1 & 2 Lamar, Barnes, Morton Room 201, MC

Romans 2

Study of Romans, Part 2.  We will conduct a verse-by-verse, systematic study of Paul’s letter to 1st century Christians living in Rome.  Romans provides perhaps the clearest and most systematic presentation of Christian doctrine found in the New Testament.  Come join our journey of Biblical learning.

Jan 8 - Apr 30, 2025 (6:15 pm - 7:15 pm)

Register Here

Coed Block 1 & 2 Richard Brown Room 203, MC

Courageous Hearts

Hope for the Betrayed Woman is a support group and Bible study where courageous women find help, hope, and healing from a spouse’s intimate betrayal. As we navigate our emotional roller coasters and take our stand against the real enemy (hint: not our spouse!), we’ll learn to move our gaze from our circumstances to Christ. For questions, contact

Jan 8 - Apr 30, 2025 (6:15 pm - 7:15 pm)

Register Here

Women Block 1 & 2 Jenn Raburn Room 220, MC

Delight Yourself in the Word

The Bible encourages us to delight ourselves in Scripture and to delight ourselves in the Lord Himself.  This class will look at how we can delight ourselves in the Word, enjoy fellowship with God, and draw closer to Him. No Book Required.

Jan 8 - Apr 30, 2025 (6:15 pm - 7:15 pm)

Register Here

Women Block 1 & 2 Ginger Woods Room 211, MC


Find freedom from the cycle of guilt and shame in the battle with pornography, sexual brokenness, or temptation. This group of men will meet weekly and discover that the battle is won with God and a band of brothers, rather than continual defeat by isolation. Sundays 5:15 pm - 7:15 pm and Wednesdays 6:00 pm and 7:30pm. For questions, contact  

Jan 8 - Apr 30, 2025 (6:00 pm - 7:30 pm)

Register Here

Men Block 1 & 2 Tim Raburn Room 110, MC 

Block 2: March 19 - April 30






Led by 


Worldview Analysis

This is an apologetics class that equips you to do worldview analysis. A worldview represents one’s understanding of reality. How do I know that I perceive reality as it truly is? The call to “test everything” infuses the Christian worldview; the phrase “test everything” is in Paul’s letter to the church of Thessalonica in ancient Greece (1 Thess. 5: 21). The Biblical position is that we are under no obligation to affirm something as true that we have not adequately examined. The Bible itself offers us a powerful strategy for critical thinking— principles that cut to the heart of any worldview. This class will equip you to analyze opposing worldviews and identify their inevitable, inherent fatal flaws. Our book is "Finding Truth: 5 Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes” by Nancy Pearcey, available on Amazon in both paperback ($14.43) and Kindle ($9.99).

Mar 19 - Apr 30, 2025 (6:15 pm - 7:15 pm)


Register Here

Coed Block 2 Bob Pratico Room 216, MC

Women's Daytime Equip Groups



This spring offers multiple groups and Equip Group options for Women!
Register and learn more about each class by clicking on the title.






Women's Mentoring

Our mentoring program is designed to develop godly relationships and spiritual growth by older women teaching and encouraging younger women according to the Titus 2 model. Groups of women will meet weekly January through March 19, 2025.

Tuesday Mornings, Tuesday Nights or Wednesday Nights January 15 – March 19

Tuesday Mornings, Tuesday Evenings

Vicki Craft & Pam Barnes


Precept - James Part 2

What is true faith? How should you live the Christian life? Each verse of this practical study is alive with instructions, admonition, and encouragement. Learn God’s principles for dealing with trials, temptations, the tongue, and the pull of the world.

Jan 21 - May 27, 2025 (9:30 am - 11:30 am)

Click Here to purchase your book

Register Here

Tuesdays at 9:30 am

 Debbie Cornelius

 Craft Room (Room 607), SC

Verse by Verse - Through Revelation

Do you want to know what the future holds?  If you want more than bits and pieces of God’s final plan for the future, come join us as we examine verse-by-verse the key events that will take place in the last days.  The Book of Revelation shows us a sneak peak of the future and gives us a deeper sense of awe for the majesty and power of God and a greater appreciation for the sacrifice Jesus made for us to have a relationship with God. 

Jan 8 – May 20, 2025 (9:30 am - 11:00 am)

Cost: Free

Register Here

 Tuesdays at 9:30 am

 Brenda McDaniel

 South Campus Chapel, SC

Wednesday Morning





Early Bird - Mark

Join us for an exhilarating study of Jesus as we walk through the book of Mark, the first gospel written about our beloved Savior!  Mark will ignite your passion to serve as we study the One who came to serve and give His life as a ransom for many!

Wednesday Mornings  Jan 8 – May 20, 2025 (6:30-7:30 A.M.)

Register Here

Wednesdays at 6:30 am Audrey Henley Zoom






MPACT - Moms Praying for Adult Children together

As our children grow into adulthood, they still need our prayers.  Join us as we pray scripture for our adult children and give our concerns to the Lord, the only One who can change hearts.

Cost: Free

Register Here

Thursdays at 9:30 am Vicki Craft Room 607, SC






Moms in Prayer

As moms we do everything in our power to help our children grow up successfully.  But what about the most important part—praying for them?  Come together and pray scripture for our kids and their schools, including public, private, or homeschool, from elementary to college.  www.momsinprayer.org

Cost: Free

Register Here

Fridays at 8:15 am Amber McCord Room 613, SC 




Disciplemaking Groups (D-Groups) can meet on Wednesday nights or other nights. These are small groups of believers that study scripture or books designed to create disciples that make disciples. We encourage these groups to form through each Life Group. For more information about D-Groups or reserving a space for your group, contact David Loyed at 704-5678 ext 220 or click below to email.

D-Group page

Click here to email

Join us for food and fellowship each week, during the school year, before Equip Groups! Wednesday night meals are at the main campus from 4:45-6 pm in room 106 (old fellowship dining hall). We will have a catered dinner from local vendors each week. Our Wednesday night meals are provided as a way for our church family to eat together and attend Wednesday night activities in person. Meals are $7 per person, with a $25 household maximum. Any meals remaining after 5:50 pm may be purchased for take-out. No reservations will be required. The menu will be provided the week prior to the dinner and in the Weekly Church Schedule; the link is below.

Weekly Church Schedule

For the Kids



Infants - pre-k

KidcareChildren ages 3 years old and younger will be loved & cared for in our KidCare rooms. 

Wednesday Wiggles | Pre- kindergarteners will learn more about God, His Son, and His Word through large group activities and worship.

Check-in begins at 6 pm at the Main Campus Children's Atrium, entrance 3.



K - 5th Grade | wb kids

Each Wednesday, we want to equip kids to live out their faith. We have a fun time of worship, teaching, small groups, and group games. Check-in begins at 6 pm at the Main Campus Children's Atrium, entrance 3.



waypoint (grades 6-8) & MTN (grades 9-12)

Students will meet on Wednesdays from 6:15 - 7:45 pm in The Zone at the South Campus during the school year. Experience a God-centered time of fellowship and games with intentional teaching and worship.  Grades 6 - 12 (completed).

Students Page


Acteens & Challengers

Acteens and Challengers offer Missions Discipleship, service opportunities, and missional activities for students grades 6-12. Both groups meet on Wednesdays from 5:15 - 6:10 pm at the South Campus. Learn more by clicking the link below. 

 Acteens & Challengers

Weekly Small Groups

WBC Men's Ministry Small Group graphic

Tuesdays,  7 - 8 am | Atrium at the ROC

Our Men’s Ministry Small Groups give men the opportunity to grow in their relationship with Christ, provide accountability, and offer a place to bring other men from your circle of influence who would like to hear more about Jesus. A buffet breakfast is available for $6 per person.

More Information

Church Bible Reading Plan 2025

Download the Bible App below for our 2025 Bible Reading Plan and let’s walk through God’s Word together.