

6806 Whitesburg Drive South
Huntsville, AL 35802

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Service Times

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Set As Home Campus


(256) 881-0952

What’s the difference between a Life Group and a D-Group? 

To learn more, click the button below for the downloadable PDF. 


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A Disciplemaking Group is a gender-specific, closed group of 3-5 believers that meet weekly for 6-12 months for accelerated spiritual transformation. They practice spiritual disciplines and hold each other accountable while following Christ in word and deed, pouring their lives into others as Christ did.

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Create a group of 3-5 same-gender individuals.

Select a leader to facilitate the group and discussions (It is important not to get caught up in who is the wisest or most read. The key here is moving as a group through the process).

Meet for approximately one hour each week

• At Church, at a home or at the ROC (request room by contacting Nikki Profozich). Wednesday nights are popular.

• Commit to only miss unless providentially hindered.

Share prayer requests (agree to confidentiality)

Read and Study the scripture

• Use the Bible as your curriculum. You can follow the Church Bible Reading plan or develop your own. The key is getting in the Word until it gets into you!

• You can use the Foundations F260 plan.

• When you meet, share your H.E.A.R. Journals from the week. What's a H.E.A.R. Journal? Click here to find out.

Commit to memorizing scripture from your study (can be once a week or once a month)

Go through accountability questions. Accountability Questions

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What is the Commitment?

• Give yourself fully to the Lord during this time as you anticipate a season of accelerated spiritual transformation.
• Discuss H.E.A.R. Journals and prayer requests.
• Commit to the five weekly disciplines (Bible Reading, H.E.A.R. Journals, Scripture Memory, Accountability, and Prayer.)
• Contribute to a group atmosphere of confidentiality, honesty, and transparency.
• Pray weekly for fellow D-Group members and those in your life who don’t know Jesus.
• Pray and look for those in your life who you could invite into your new D-Group once this current group multiplies.

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Interested in starting or joining a D-Group, but not sure how? Contact the Discipleship Office at 256-881-0952 ext. 207, or email 

Click Here to Register Your D-Group