Prayer Bibliography

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Prayer Bibliography
- Bennett, Arthur
(Editor) The Valley of Vision: Collection of Puritan Prayers - Bisagno, John
The Power of Positive Praying (Provocative Hints for Peace and Power through Confident Prayer) - Bounds, E.M.
The Best of E. M. Bounds On Prayer - Christenson, Evelyn
What Happens When Women Pray - Cymbala, Jim
Breakthrough Prayer - Eastman, Dick
The Hour that Changes the World (A Practical Plan for Personal Prayer) - Elliff, Bill
Prayer with No Intermission - Evans, Tony
Motivational Prayers for Men - Floyd, Ronnie W.
How to Pray (Developing an Intimate Relationship with God) - Frizzell, Gregory R.
How to Develop a Path to Holiness and Relationship with God - Hunt, T.W.
The Doctrine of Prayer - Lee, Robert G.
The Bible and Prayer - Murray, Andrew
The Prayer Life - Murray, Andrew
The Ministry of Intercession (A Plea for More Prayer) - Murray, Andrew
With Christ in the School of Prayer - Murray, Andrew
Power in Prayer - Omartian, Stormy
The Power of a Praying Woman - Ravenhill, Leonard
Why Revival Tarries - Shirer, Priscilla
Fervent - Spurgeon, Charles
Spurgeon on Prayer & Spiritual Warfare - Taylor, Jack
Prayer: Life’s Limitless Reach - Vroegop, Mark
Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy (Discovering the Grace of Lament) - Whitney, Donald
Praying the Bible