Mid-Long Term Opportunities

Hands On
Hands On is an international semester missions opportunity for students and young adults interested in working alongside a missionary mentor to share the gospel of Jesus with unreached peoples. Members of Southern Baptist Churches can receive funding to cover half the cost to go. You can choose from projects which range from 4 months to 1 year in duration. Typical cost for a semester project is $3,950 (including airfare, meals, lodging, and insurance). Click the link below to learn more.
Project 3000
Project 3000, a new IMB initiative, will send out 300 Missionary Explorers over 5 years to scout out 10 unengaged, unreached people groups each year. We need 100 Missionary Explorers to go to the edges of lostness this year. Click the link below for more information about the job, and pray about how God is calling you, or someone you know, to go to join Project 3000. This is a two-year assignment.
IMB Journeymen are young adults, between the ages of 21 and 29, who are sent by their churches as missionaries for a 2-year term through the IMB. A Journeyman’s primary responsibility is to engage in the missionary task by sharing the gospel, making disciples and helping plant churches. They are a vital part of IMB missionary teams all over the world. Serving as a Journeyman allows young adults to both be on mission and explore the possibility of lifelong service as a missionary. Learn more at the link below.
Contact Ben Jernigan, Missions Pastor, at 256-881-0952, or click here to email.