June 15 Hard Questions Resources

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Understanding Evil – Resources
(Does God cause bad things to happen? If God is sovereign, good, and loving, why doesn’t He stop so much evil?)
Carson, D.A. How Long, O Lord? Reflections on Suffering and Evil. Baker Academic, 2006.
Elliott, Elisabeth. Suffering is Never for Nothing. B&H Books, 2019.
Keller, Timothy. Walking with God through Pain and Suffering. Penguin Books, 2015.
Lewis, C. S. The Problem of Pain. New York: Macmillan, 1962.
Lewis, C. S. A Grief Observed. London: Faber & Faber, 1968.
Tripp, Paul David. Suffering: Gospel Hope When Life Doesn’t Make Sense. Crossway, 2018.
Vroegop, Mark. Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy: Discovering the Grace of Lament. Crossway, 2019.
Video Messages, Lectures and Debates:
Alcorn, Randy. C.S. Lewis and the Problem of Evil and Suffering. Eternal Perspectives Ministries, February 1, 2017.
Ankberberg, John. Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering in the World? Ankerberg Classic, Episode 1, June 5, 2018.
Cabal, Theodore. Did God Create Evil? Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Honest Answers, Episode 23, June 7, 2017.
Craig, Williams Lane. The Problem of Evil and Suffering. Reasonable Faith, August 3, 2013.
Dickson, John interviews John Lennox. The Problem of Suffering. Public Christianity, September 23, 2008.
Skeel, David cross-examines John Lennox. Why is there Sin and Suffering in the World? The Veritas Forum, June 8, 2012.
Stanley, Charles. Why Does God Allow Evil, Pain, and Suffering? Ask Dr. Stanley, July 20, 2012.
Turek, Frank. If There is a Good God, Why Does He Allow Evil and Suffering? Cross Examined, March 16, 2018.
Foley, Avery. Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen? Answers in Genesis, March 8, 2016.
How to Make Sense Out of Suffering. Love Worth Finding, February 28, 2011.
Mohler, R Albert. The Goodness of God and the Reality of Evil. May 21, 2013.
Velarde, Robert. How Can God Allow So Much Evil and Suffering? Focus on the Family, January 1, 2009.
Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen to Good People? Got Questions, March 16, 2019.
Why Does God Allow Suffering and Evil? Love Worth Finding.